Bachelor's Programme

Undergraduate studies - courses in Polish


Duration: 7 semesters (3.5 years)
Degree granted: Engineer
System of courses: full time studies or part time studies
After the 4th semester students have to select one of four possible specialties: mechanical wood technology, chemical wood technology, furniture design, wood protection and modification.

Mechanical wood technology is the specialty focused on wood processing, production operations and wood machining. The graduates will be prepared for effective work as production engineers in companies of wood mechanical processing, wood-based panels production, timber structural members, flooring systems. The graduates can be operators of wood processing lines as well as managers dealing with trade of wood materials and products, organisation of production processes.

Chemical wood technology is the specialty focused on chemistry primary related to pulp industry with dominating paper production. The graduates will be prepared for effective work as production engineers mainly in companies of wood chemical processing. They can also deal with management of production processes and labour organisation.

Wood protection and modification deals with general problems of utilisation of different agents enhancing wood natural durability on different ambient factors. It is also focused on methods extending wood utilisation. The studies prepare among others for work in companies dealing with wood impregnation. The graduates will be prepared for work as specialists for quality control, experts in the area of wood preservatives production, wood conservation and modification as well as building mycology. They can also cooperate with institutions of art and heritage conservation.

Furniture design is focused on widely understood furniture industry with specially emphasised design and planning of furniture production. The graduates will be prepared for work as process engineers responsible for production of furniture (incl. garden furniture), furniture and joinery construction engineers, furniture designers. They can also deal with designing and organising production processes, trade of furniture and wood products, logistics.


Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in FORESTRY – in Polish

The Faculty of Forestry offers Bachelor (B.Sc.F.) and Master (M.Sc.F.) Programmes.
The Bachelor Programme is offered to candidates with a good command of biology, mathematics, physics and chemistry and with strong interests in natural and technical sciences. The programme takes 7 semesters (3.5 years) to complete and can be realized in three specialization areas: general forestry, forest protection and forestry business.
The Bachelor Programme represents a wide spectrum of subject areas which cover botany, zoology, chemistry, mathematics and statistics, ecology, silviculture, soil science, pathology, entomology, game management, protection of forests, economics and management, forest machinery and wood transport, forest engineering and hydrology, wood harvesting, wood science, to name only the main subject areas. Upon successful completion of the programme, the candidate is awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science in Forestry (B.Sc.F.).
The Master’s Programme is offered to graduates with a Bachelor’s degree in forestry (B.Sc.F.). A Master’s is for 3 semesters. The programme consists of lectures, labs and in-the-field training/trips.
The curriculum covers a wide spectrum of subjects which concentrate around advanced forest biology, technology, management and economics.
The student will also benefit from seminars run by well experienced academic staff. The objectives of the programme are to provide the student with advanced knowledge of the subject covered by the curriculum as well as with modern forestry research methods. Students are required to prepare a master’s thesis and pass a final examination in order to obtain the degree of Master of Science in Forestry (M.Sc.F.)
While in school, students can benefit from a number of international study programmes, like Erasmus, CEEPUS, Leonardo da Vinci programme or Euroforester.
These programmes enable students to complete a part of the curriculum or take part in various courses abroad; at other higher education institutions that co-operate with the Poznań University of Life Sciences.