prof UPP dr hab. Monika Gąsecka

Assistant Professor
Phone number: 
+48 61 848 7827

Research areas

  • Impact of stress factors on content of phenolics compounds in different tissue of  trees species
  • Bioactive compounds in mushrooms 
  • Impact of the suplementation of mushrooms substrates on bioative copmpouds and antioxidant activity


Poznan Unicersity of Life Sciences:


  • Department of Plant Physiology
  • Department of Vegetable Crops


  • Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection



  • Department of Mathematical and Statistical Methods


  • Institute of Chemical Wood Technology


Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan


  • Section of Experimental Biology
  • Secion of Botany


  • Section of Analitycal Chemistry


Poznan University of Medicinal Sciences

  • Department of Environmental Medicine 






Scientific projects

  • 2014/15/B/NZ9/02172 Phytoremediation capability of native trees and shrubs species growing on extremely contaminated with trace metals and metalloids post-flotation sediments
  • N N305 372438 Remediation of PAHs, PCB and BTEX contaminated soil contaminated using substrates from mushroom cultivation.


  1. Gąsecka M., Magdziak Z., Siwulski M., Mleczek M. (2018). Profile of phenolic and organic acids, antioxidant properties and ergosterol content in cultivated and wild growing species of Agaricus. European Food Research and Technology 244(2): 259–268.
  2. Gąsecka M., Siwulski M., Mleczek M. (2018). Evaluation of bioactive compounds content and antioxidant properties of soil-growing and wood-growing edible mushrooms. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 42(1): e13386.
  3. Gąsecka M., Rzymski P., Mleczek M., Siwulski M., Budzyńska S., Magdziak Z., Niedzielski P., Sobieralski K. (2017). The relationship between metal composition, phenolic acid and flavonoid content in Ilmeria badia from non-polluted and polluted areas. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 52(3): 171–177.
  4. Mleczek M., Rzymski P., Budka A., Siwulski M., Jasińska A., Kalač P., Poniedziałek B., Gąsecka M., Niedzielski N. (2018). Elemental characteristics of mushroom species cultivated in China and Poland. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 66: 168-178.
  5. Poniedziałek B., Rzymski P., Pięt P., Gąsecka M., Stroińska A., Niedzielski P., Mleczek M., Rzymski P., Wilczak M. (2018). Relation between polyphenols, malondialdehyde, antioxidant capacity, lactate dehydrogenase and toxic elements in human colostrum milk. Chemosphere 191: 548–554.
  6. Drzewiecka K., Gąsecka M., Rutkowski P., Magdziak Z., Goliński P., Mleczek M. (2018). Arsenic forms and their combinations induce differences in phenolic accumulation in Ulmus laevis Pall. Journal of Plant Physiology 220: 34–42.
  7. Gąsecka M., Rzymski P., Mleczek M., Siwulski M., Budzyńska S., Magdziak Z., Niedzielski P., Sobieralski K. (2017). The relationship between metal composition, phenolic acid and flavonoid content in Ilmeria badia from non-polluted and polluted areas. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 52(3): 171–177.
  8. Kałużewicz A., Lisiecka J., Gąsecka M., Krzesiński W., Spiżewski T., Zaworska A., Frąszczak B. (2017). The effects of plant density and irrigation on phenolic content in cauliflower. Hort. Sci. (Prague), 44: 178–185.
  9. Poniedziałek B., Mleczek M., Niedzielski P., Siwulski M., Gąsecka M., Kozak L., Komosa A., Rzymski P. (2017). Bio‑enriched Pleurotus mushrooms for deficiency control and improved antioxidative protection of human platelets? European Food Research and Technology 243: 2187–2198.
  10. Mleczek M., Goliński P., Krzesłowska M., Gąsecka M., Magdziak Z., Rutkowski P., Budzyńska B., Waliszewska B., Kozubik T., Karolewski Z., Niedzielski P. (2017). Phytoextraction of potentially toxic elements by six tree species growing on hazardous mining sludge. Environ Sci Pollut Res 24: 22183–22195.
  11. Drzewiecka K., Mleczek M., Gąsecka M., Magdziak Z., Budka A., Chadzinikolau T., Kaczmarek Z., Goliński P. (2017). Copper and nickel co-treatment alters metal uptake and stress parameters of Salix purpurea × viminalis. Journal of Plant Physiology 216: 125–134.
  12. Rzymski P., Niedzielski P., Siwulski M., Mleczek M., Budzyńska S., Gąsecka M., Poniedziałek B. (2017). Lithium biofortification of medicinal mushrooms Agrocybe cylindracea and Hericium erinaceus. Journal of Food Science and Technology 54(8): 2387-239.
  13.  Niedzielski P., Mleczek M., Budka A., Rzymski P., Siwulski M., Jasińska A., Gąsecka M., Sylwia Budzyńska. (2017). A screening study of elemental composition in 12 marketable mushroom species accessible in Poland. European Food Research and Technology 243: 1759–177.
  14. Siwulski M., Rzymski P., Niedzielski N., Budka A., Gąsecka M., Kalač P., Jasińska A., Budzyńska S., Kozak L., Mleczek M. (2017). Comparison of multielemental composition of Polish and Chinese mushrooms (Ganoderma spp.). European Food Research and Technology 243(9): 1555-1566.
  15. Rzymski P., Mleczek M., Siwulski M., Jasińska A., Budka A., Niedzielski N., Kalač P., Gąsecka M., Budzyńska S. (2017). Multielemental analysis of fruit bodies of three cultivated commercial Agaricus species. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 59: 170–178.
  16.  Gąsecka M., Mleczek M., Jutrzenka A., Goliński P., Stuper-Szablewska K. (2017). Phenolic compounds in leaves of Salix species and hybrids growing under different soil conditions. Chemistry and Ecology 33(3): 196–212.
  17.  Rzymski P., Mleczek M., Niedzielski P., Siwulski M., Gąsecka M. (2017). Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus enriched with selenium, zinc and copper. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97: 923–928.
  18. Mleczek M., Siwulski M., Rzymski P., Budzyńska S., Gąsecka M., Kalač P., Niedzielski P. (2017) Cultivation of mushrooms for production of food biofortified with lithium. European Food Research and Technology 243: 1097–104.
  19. Mleczek M., Siwulski M., Rzymski P., Niedzielski P., Gąsecka M., Jasińska A., Budzyńska S., Budka A. (2017). Multielemental analysis of Lentinula edodes mushrooms available in trade. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 52(3): 196–205.
  20. Siwulski M., Mleczek M., Rzymski P., Budka A., Jasińska A., Niedzielski N., Kalač P., Gąsecka M., Budzyńska S., Mikołajczak P. (2017). Screening the multi-element content of Pleurotus mushroom species using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES). Food Analytical Methods 10(2): 487–496.
  21. Piotr Rzymski, Mirosław Mleczek, Marek Siwulski, Monika Gąsecka, Przemysław Niedzielski. The risk of high mercury accumulation in edible mushrooms cultivated on contaminated substrates. 2016 Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 51, 55–60.
  22. Mirosław Mleczek,  Zuzanna Magdziak, Monika Gąsecka, Przemysław Niedzielski, Pavel Kalač, Marek Siwulski, Piotr Rzymski, Sylwia Zalicka, Krzysztof Sobieralski. Content of selected elements and low-molecular-weight organic acids in fruiting bodies of edible mushroom Boletus badius (Fr.)Fr. from unpolluted and polluted areas Environ Sci Pollut Res. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016) 23:20609–20618DOI
  23. Mirosław Mleczek, Paweł Rutkowski, Przemysław Niedzielski, Piotr Goliński, Monika Gąsecka, Tomisław Kozubik, Jędrzej Dąbrowski, Sylwia Budzyńska & Jarosław Pakuła. The role of selected tree species in industrial sewage sludge/flotation tailing management. International Journal of Phytoremediation 18(11): 1086-1095.
  24. Gąsecka M., Mleczek M., Siwulski M., Niedzielski P., Kozak L. (2016). Phenolic and flavonoid content in Hericium erinaceus, Ganoderma lucidum and Agrocybe aegerita under selenium addition. Acta Alimentaria 45(2): 301–309.
  25. Gąsecka M., Mleczek M., Siwulski M., Niedzielski P. (2016). Phenolic composition and antioxidant properties of Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus eryngii enriched with selenium and zinc. European Food Research and Technology 242(5): 723-732.
  26. Rzymski P., Mleczek M., Siwulski M., Gąsecka M., Niedzielski P. (2016). The risk of high mercury accumulation in edible mushrooms cultivated on contaminated substrates. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 51: 55–60.
  27. Mleczek M., Magdziak Z., Gąsecka M., Niedzielski P., Kalač P., Siwulski M., Rzymski P., Zalicka S., Sobieralski K. (2016). Content of selected elements and low-molecular-weight organic acids in fruiting bodies of edible mushroom Boletus badius (Fr.) Fr. from unpolluted and polluted areas. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 20609–20618.
  28.  Mleczek M., Rutkowski P., Niedzielski P., Goliński P., Gąsecka M., Kozubik T., Dąbrowski J., Budzyńska S., Pakuła J. (2016). The role of selected tree species in industrial sewage sludge/flotation tailing management. International Journal of Phytoremediation 18(11): 1086-1095.
  29.  Mirosław M., Niedzielski P., Kalač P., Budka A., Siwulski M., Gąsecka M., Rzymski P., Magdziak Z., Sobieralski S. (2016). Multielemental analysis of 20 mushroom species growing near a heavily trafficked road in Poland. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23(16): 16280-16295.
  30.  Frąszczak B., Gąsecka M., Golcz A., Zawirska-Wojtasiak R. (2016). The effect of radiation of LED modules on the growth of dill (Anethum graveolens L.). Open Life Sciences (dawniej Central
  31.  Mleczek M., Niedzielski P., Rzymski P., Siwulski M., Gąsecka M., Kozak L. (2016). Variation of arsenic species content in edible Boletus badius growing at polluted sites over four years. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 51(7): 469-76.
  32.  Rzymski P., Mleczek M., Niedzielski P., Siwulski M., Gąsecka M. (2016). Potential of cultivated Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms for the production of supplements enriched with essential elements. Journal of Food Science 81(3): C587-C592.
  33.  Magdziak Z., Mleczek M., Gąsecka M., Drzewiecka K., Kaczmarek Z., Siwulski M., Goliński P. (2016). Agaricus bisporus compost improves the potential of Salix purpurea × viminalis hybrid for copper accumulation. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 18(8): 768-776.
  34.  Mleczek M., Niedzielski P., Siwulski M., Rzymski P., Gąsecka M., Goliński P., Kozak L., Kozubik T. (2016). Importance of low substrate arsenic content in mushroom cultivation and safety final food product. European Food Research and Technology 42(3): 355-362.
  35.  Mleczek M., Niedzielski P., Kalač P., Siwulski M., Rzymski P., Gąsecka M. (2016). Levels of platinum group elements and rare-earth elements in wild mushroom species growing in Poland. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A 33(1): 86-94.
  36. Mleczek M., Niedzielski P., Kalač P., Siwulski M., Rzymski P., Gąsecka M. 2015. Levels of platinum group elements and rare earth elements in wild mushroom species growing near a busy trunk road. Food Additives and Contaminants, Part A 33(1), 86-94.
  37. Barbara Frąszczak, Monika Gąsecka, Anna Golcz, Renata Zawirska-Wojtasiak. 2015 The chemical composition of lemon balm and basil plants grown under different light conditions. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 14(4), 93-104.
  38. Klaudia Borowiak, Monika Gąsecka, Mirosław Mleczek, Jędrzej Dąbrowski, Tamara Chadzinikolau, Zuzanna Magdziak, Piotr Goliński, Paweł Rutkowski, Tomisław Kozubik. 2015. Photosynthetic activity in relation to chlorophylls, carbohydrates, phenolics and growth of a hybrid Salix purpurea x triandra x viminalis 2 at various Zn concentrations. Acta Physiol Plant (2015) 37:155. DOI 10.1007/s11738-015-1904-x
  39. Przemysław Niedzielski, Mirosław Mleczek, Marek Siwulski, Piotr Rzymski, Monika Gąsecka, Lidia Kozak. 2015. Suplementation of cultivated mushroom species with selenium: bioaccumulation and speciation study. European Food research & Technology. 241: 419-426
  40. Mirosław Mleczek, Marek Siwulski, Patrycja Mikołajczak, Monika Gąsecka,  Iwona Rissmann, Piotr Goliński, Krzysztof Sobieralski. .Differences in Cu content in selected mushroom species growing in the same unpolluted areas  in Poland. Journal of Environmental Science And Health, Part B,   (2015) 50, 659-666.
  41. Monika Gąsecka, Mirosław Mleczek, Marek Siwulski, Przemysław Niedzielski, Lidia Kozak. The effect of selenium on phenolics and flavonoids in selected edible white rot fungi. LWT - Food Science and Technology 63 (2015), pp. 726-731 DOI information: 10.1016/j.lwt.2015.03.046 (IF=2,47;
  42. Mirosław Mleczek, Marek Siwulski, Patrycja Mikołajczak, Monika Gąsecka, Krzysztof Sobieralski, Mateusz Szymańczyk and Piotr Goliński. Content of selected elements in Boletus badius fruiting bodies growing in extremely polluted wastes. Journal of Environmental Science And Health, Part A, Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering,  (2015) 50, 767-775.
  43. Piotr Goliński, Mirosław Mleczek, Zuzanna Magdziak, Monika Gąsecka, Klaudia Borowiak, Jędrzej Dąbrowski, Zygmunt Kaczmarek & Paweł Rutkowski. Efficiency of Zn phytoextraction, biomass yield and formation of low-molecular-weight organic acids in S × rubens – a hydroponic experiment. Chemistry and Ecology 2015. DOI:10.1080/02757540.2014.993976
  44. Mirosław Mleczek, Marek Siwulski, Patrycja Mikołajczak, Piotr Goliński, Monika Gąsecka, Krzysztof Sobieralski, Luiza Dawidowicz and Mateusz Szymańczyk. Bioaccumulation of Elements In Three Selected Mushroom Species From Southwest Poland, Journal of Environmental Science And Health, Part B (2015) 50, 207-216.
  45. :10.1080/03601234.2015.982427
  46. Goliński P., Mleczek M., Magdziak Z., Gąsecka M., Borowiak K., Dąbrowski J., Kaczmarek Z., Rutkowski P. 2015. Efficiency of Zn phytoextraction, biomass yield and formation of low molecular weight organic acids in S × rubens – a hydroponic experiment. Chemistry and Ecology
  47. Mleczek M., Siwulski M., Mikołajczak P., Goliński P., Gąsecka M., Sobieralski K., Dawidowicz L., Szymańczyk M. 2015. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 50(3), 207-216.
  48. Niedzielski P., Mleczek M., Siwulski M., Gąsecka M., Kozak L., Rissmann I., Mikołajczak P. 2014. Efficacy of supplementation of selected medicinal mushrooms with inorganic selenium salts. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 49(12), 929-937.
  49. Drzewiecka K., Mleczek M, Gąsecka M., Magdziak Z., Chadzinikolau T., Goliński P. 2014. Copper phytoextraction with Salix purpurea × viminalis under various Ca/Mg ratios. Part 2. Effect on organic acid, phenolics and salicylic acid contents.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 36(4): 903-913.
  50. Mleczek M, Gąsecka M., Magdziak Z., Drzewiecka K., Goliński P. (2014) Copper phytoextraction with willow (Salix viminalis L.) under various Ca/Mg ratios. Part 1. Copper accumulation and plant morphology changes. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum Doi:10.1007/s11738-013-1360-4
  51. Gąsecka M, Drzewiecka K, Stachowiak J, Siwulski M, Goliński P., Sobieralski K. (2013) The efficient degradation of selected PAHs in soil with a substrate refuse from Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2013, 22 (9a) 2651-2658.
  52.  K. Drzewiecka, M. Mleczek, M. Gąsecka., Z. Magdziak, P. Goliński (2012) Changes in Salix viminalis L. cv. 'Cannabina' morphology and physiology in response to nickel ions - hydroponic investigations Journal of Hazardous Materials, 217-218:  428-439.
  53. M. Gąsecka, K. Drzewiecka, J. Stachowiak, M. Siwulski, P. Goliński, K. Sobieralski, I. Golak (2012) Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbones (PAHs) by spent mushroom substratem of Agaricus bisporus and Lentinula edodes. Acta Sci. Pol., Hortorum Cultus, 11: 39-46.
  54. K. Borowiak., K. Drzewiecka., Z. Magdziak., M. Gasecka, M. Mleczek (2012) Effect of Ca/Mg ions ratio on copper accumulation, photosynthetic activity and growth of Cu2+-treated Salix viminalis L. ‘Cannabina’. Photosynthetica, 50: 353-361.
  55. M. Gąsecka, M. Mleczek,  K. Drzewiecka, Z. Magdziak, T. Chadzinikolau, I. Rissmann, P. Goliński  (2012)  Physiological and morphological changes in Salix viminalis as a result of plant exposure to copper. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 47:  48-557. .
  56. Borowiak K., K. Drzewiecka, M. Gąsecka, J. Zbierska, O. Grajczyńska. Investigations of selected parameters of tobacco plants response to tropospheric ozone in ambient air conditions. Fresenius Environmenal Bulletin, 2010, 19:2480-2489.